Gold Award, Hiiibrand Typography 2016 (Category: Pro · Communication / Project: The Form of Form), China
Silver Award, European Design Awards (Category: Company Logo / Project: National Theatre Dona Maria II visual identity), Athens, Greece
Silver Award, IPT 2015 — 11th International Poster Triennial (Project: Posez vous des questions), Toyama, Japan
3 distinctions, Best Portuguese Book Designs (Projects: Collecting Collections and Concepts, Letras na Paisagem, An Illustrated guide to the British Railway to my study), Porto, Portugal
Premier Award, ISTD Awards (Category: Magazines / Project: Jornal Arquitectos), London, UK
Premier Award, ISTD Awards (Category: Exhibition Design / Project: Eduardo Souto Moura – Competitions (1979–2010)), London, UK
European Agency of the Year, European Design Awards, Athenes, Greece
Gold Award, European Design Awards (Category: Magazine / Project: Jornal Arquitectos), Athenes, Greece
Gold Award, European Design Awards (Category: Company Logo / Project: Um Segundo Filmes), Athenes, Greece
Silver Award, European Design Awards (Category: Books / Project: Collecting Collections and Concepts), Athenes, Greece
Certificate of Excellence, ISTD Awards (Category: Books / Project: Collecting Collections and Concepts), London, UK
Certificate of Excellence in Typography, TDC 60 – Type Directors Club (Project: Letras na Paisagem), New York, USA,
Selected Award, CIPB 6 – 6th China International Poster Biennial (Projects: Redundância e 180 Creative Camp), Hangzhou, China
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Packaging design / Project: Conde de Amarante), Essen, Germany
Gold Award, European Design Awards (Category: Exhibition design / Project: Eduardo Souto Moura – Concursos (1979-2010)), Kallithea, Greece
Menção, BID12, III Bienal Iberoamericana de Design (Category: Space Design / Project: Eduardo Souto Moura – Concursos (1979-2010)), Madrid, Spain
Wood Pencil, D&AD Awards (Category: Spatial Design / Project: Casa do Conto), UK
ICOGRADA Award, Trnava Poster Triennial, Slovakia
Premier Award, ISTD – International Society of Typographic Designers (Category: Exhibition design, Signage System / Project: Casa do Conto), London, UK
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Interior Design / Project: Casa do Conto), Essen, Germany
Merit Award, SEGD – Society For Environmental Graphic Design, San Diego, USA
Certificate of Excellence in Typography, TDC 58 – Type Directors Club, New York, USA
Certificate of Excellence in Typography, TDC 57 – Type Directors Club (Project: Vai com Deus), New York, USA
Premio del Jurado, II Bienal Ibero-Americana de Design (Category: Interior design / Project: Cada do Conto), Madrid, Spain
Red Dot: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Information Design & Public Space / Project: Dois Tempos), Essen, Germany
Jury Award, SEGD – Society For Environmental Graphic Design, Washington, USA
Honor Award, SEGD – Society of Environmental Graphic Design, Washington, USA
Merit Award (2), SEGD – Society of Environmental Graphic Design, Washington, USA
Certificate of Excellence in Typography, TDC 56 – Type Directors Club (Project: Stop), New York, USA
Certificate of Excellence in Typography, TDC 56 – Type Directors Club (Project: Vai com Deus), New York, USA
Icograda Award, Trnava Poster Triennial (Project: Vai com Deus), Trnava, Slovakia
Premier Award, ISTD – International Society of Graphic Designers (Category: Exhibition design & Sygnage Systems / Project: Vai com Deus), UK
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Information Design & Public Space / Project: Vai com Deus), Essen, Germany
Silver Award, European Design Awards (Category: Signs & Displays / Project: Vai com Deus), Athenes, Greece
Bronze Award, European Design Awards (Category: Poster Series/ Project: I Feel Life), Athenes, Greece
Honor Award, SEGD – Society of Environmental Graphic Design (Project: Vai com Deus), Washington, USA
Merit Award, SEGD – Society of Environmental Graphic Design Awards (Project: Percursos Inacabados), Washington, USA
Certificate of Excellence, ISTD – International Society of Graphic Designers (Category: Books / Project: Percursos Inacabados), UK
Certificate of Excellence, 365: AIGA Annual Design Competition 30 (Category: Exhibition / Project: Vai com Deus), Chicago, USA
Certificate of Excellence, 365: AIGA Annual Design Competition 30 (Category: Poster / Project: I Feel Life), Chicago, USA
Yellow Pencil, D&AD Awards (Category: Graphic Design – Environmental Graphics/ Project: Vai com Deus), London, UK
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Books / Project: Unfinished Trajectories), Essen, Germany
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Graphic installation / Project: Unfinished Trajectories), Essen, Germany
Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Red Dot Design Award (Category: Signage System / Project: Berardo Museum), Essen, Germany
Judge’s Choice (Tina Roth Eisenberg), TDC 55 — Type Directors Club (Project: Go with Good, New York, USA
Certificate of Excellence, AIGA 50 Books/ 50 Covers, AIGA – American Institute of Graphic Arts (Category: Book / Project: Unfinished Trajectories), Chicago, USA
Jury award (Daniela Haufe), 9th Tehran International Poster Biennial (Projects: I love Távora), Tehran, Iran
Honorable Mention, Hong Kong International Poster Triennial (Project: Surround), Heritage Museum, China
In-Book Award, D&AD Awards (Project: Unfinished Trajectories), London, UK
Grand Prix, 22nd International Biennale of Graphic Design (Project: I love Távora), Brno, Czech Republic
Certificate of Typographic Excellence, TDC 53 – Type Directors Club (Project: Site meeting), New York, USA
Recognition Award, 4th Ningbo International Poster Biennial (Project: Site Meeting), Ningbo, China
Certificate of Typographic Excellence, Judge’s Choice (Mike Joyce) TDC 52 – Type Directors Club (Category: Books / Project: I love Távora), New York, USA
Judges Special Award, Taiwan International Poster Design Award 2005 (Project: Boca), Taiwan, China
Certificate of Typographic Excellence, TDC 51 – Type Directors Club (Category: Books / Project: 6=0), New York, USA
Gold Prize, IPT2003 – 7th International Poster Triennial (Project: Molly Bloom), Japan Graphic Designers Association and Museum of modern Art, Toyama, Japan
1st Prize, Primera Bienal Iberoamericana del Cartel (Category: Cultural Poster/ Project: Molly Bloom), La Paz, Bolivia
3rd Prize, Festival International de L’Affiche et du Graphisme de Chaumont, France
Silver Trophy, 5º Festival do Clube dos Criativos de Portugal (Category: Poster / Project: Molly Bloom), Lisbon, Portugal
Bronze Trophy, 5º Festival do Clube dos Criativos de Portugal (Category: Brochure, Catalogue / Project: Marionetas.Porto.2002), Lisbon, Portugal
3th Prize Europe 2020 – Pan European Competition in Poster Design, endorsed by Icograda, Croatia
Trnava Poster Triennial, Trnava, Slovakia
Certificate of Excellence, European Design Annual 5 (Project: Ar), Sussex, UK
1st Prize, DESIGNU.PAGE (Category: Profissional / Project: Ar), Lisbon, Portugal
Certificate of Excellence, European Design Annual 4 (Project: Mayer & Fish logo), Sussex, UK
3rd Prize, logo selection contest for Porto 2001, co-author Azulquente Design, Porto 2001, Porto, Portugal
2nd Place, Jovens Criadores’99, Secretaria do Estado da Juventude and Clube Português de Artes e Ideias (Category: Graphic Design), Lisbon, Portugal
Certificate of Design Excellence, European Regional Design Annual 3 (Project: Rad Bones: Loving Life), Sussex, UK