Jury member of the international competition 2016 Laus Awards, in the Graphic Design and Visual Communication category, Barcelona, Spain, March 11–12, 2016 — Lizá Ramalho

Member of the nomination committee of the international competition ADC Young Guns 2016 [digital], New York, USA, February to April, 2016 — Lizá Ramalho

Member of the Scientific Committee of 6ET – 6º Encontro de Tipografia, Universidade of Aveiro, Portugal, December 04–05, 2015 — Artur Rebelo

Jury member of the 7th Biennial of Slovene Visual Communications, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 19, 2015 — Artur Rebelo

Jury member of the international competition 25éme Festival International de l’Affiche et du Graphisme de Chaumont, France, May 17 to June 9, 2014 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the national competition Brevemente 4 — Concurso Universitário de Design e Multimédia (Universitary competition of Design and Multimedia), Coimbra, Portugal, April, 2014 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the attribution Committee of the award of a Specialist title, Escola Superior de Artes and Design/Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, March and April, 2014

Jury member of the national competition Stucomart&Design, Lisbon, Portugal, December 9, 2013 — Artur Rebelo

Jury members of Behance Portfolio Reviews, Porto, Portugal, Novembro 7, 2013.

Jury president of the XV Concurso de Criativos de Portugal, in the Design category, Lisbon, Portugal, March 01–26, 2013 — Artur Rebelo

Jury member of the international competition Red Dot Award: Communication Design, Essen, Germany, June 12–14, 2012 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the international competition 24th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2010, Czech Republic, June 20–22, 2010 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the international competition Le Leuve et la cité — Concours Européen de creation visuelle, held under Seine-amont in’Europe, Ivry-sur-Seine, France, April 23, 2010 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the international competition Design a poster for Europe Day 2010 Brussels, Belgium, December 01–11, 2009 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the international competition Good 50x70, Milan, Italy, May, 2009

Jury members of Alliance Graphique Internationale — New members, Porto, Portugal, October, 2010 — Artur Rebelo

Jury member of Alliance Graphique Internationale — New Members, Chicago, USA, September 22–23, 2008 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury members of the international competition Good 50x70, Milan, Italy, May, 2008 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of evaluation committee of Graphic Design projects, Direcção Geral das Artes, January, 2008 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury members of evaluation committee of students’ projects, held under Rencontre Internationale de Lure, France, August 19–25, 2007

Jury members of the international competition 18ème Festival International de lʼAffiche et du Graphisme de Chaumont, France, May 12 to June 24, 2007

Jury members of the international competition Europe 2020 – Europe Today for Tomorrow, by invitation of the Croatian Designers Societ, Zagreb, Croatia, 2005

Jury member of Graphic Design thesis and final projects from ESAG Penninghen – École Supérieure dʼArts Graphiques et dʼArchitecture Intérieure, Paris, France, June 14, 2004 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of the national competition Jovens Criadores 03 in the Graphic Design category, organized by Clube Português de Artes e Ideias, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of Proof of Professional Aptitude of the finalista students of Graphic Arts Technical Course from Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore, Porto, Portugal, June 27, 2000 — Lizá Ramalho

Jury member of Proof of Professional Aptitude of the finalista students of Graphic Arts Technical Course from Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore, Porto, Portugal, July 13, 1999 — Artur Rebelo

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